TouchNTuff® 92-600

Carbon Footprint Factsheet

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Total carbon footprint per pair: 0.068 kg CO2e*

The graph below represents the carbon footprint breakdown of the product.


Pie chart with 4 slices.
End of interactive chart.
  • 2.7 % Packaging

    Packaging includes all materials used to contain, protect, and transport the product.

  • 58.5 % Manufacturing

    Process of turning raw materials into finished goods, which uses energy and water, and generates waste.

  • 36 % Raw Materials

    Basic materials from which the product is made.

  • 2.8 % Distribution

    Transportation of the product from the manufacturing site to the main warehouse.

Key Takeaways

  1. Manufacturing is the largest contributor: 58.5%
  2. Raw Materials is the second-biggest contributor: 36%
  3. Since our data suggests that manufacturing and raw materials are major contributors to TouchNTuff® 92-600's carbon footprint, we invest heavily in optimizing these areas.

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